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Wild mustard with wine

190 ml


Receive your order before August 2, 2024


This exceptional artisanal product contains whole mustard seeds harvested in the wild. Wild mustard is one of the most invasive weeds and you find it in all grain fields that are not treated with herbicides. We get our seeds from organic wheat farmers who usually bury or burn what comes with the harvest. Our wild mustard is spicy with a unique taste.

  • Sustainable harvest
  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • GMO free
  • Product of Canada


  • wild mustard
  • white wine
  • cider vinegar
  • water
  • yellow mustard (contains sulfites)
  • maple syrup
  • spices

A unique mustard from Quebec’s terroir

It took us years to develop a wild mustard which satisfied us. We were ready to abandon our research with these promising seeds after dozens of trials when we came upon a delicious jar of mustard which had been prepared several weeks before.

Thus we came upon the simplest of secrets: mustard, after being crushed, must be allowed to age at least a month so that aromas from various ingredients can blend properly.

The long wait was worth it as this product of our terroir made with quality ingredients is one that we are particularly proud of.

Using wild mustard with wine

You don’t want to go without this spicy, textured mustard in your kitchen

  • Thicken sauces for meats
  • in marinades and vinaigrettes
  • In sandwiches
  • On a tomato and herb pizza

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Your order contains frozen products and cannot be delivered by mail like regular orders. You can access it directly at Gourmet Sauvage in St-Faustin.

Please note that all regular orders are shipped by Canada Post everywhere in Canada.

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